Onekawa School has an outstanding team of Teachers and Support Staff. They are highly skilled and provide the best possible opportunities for our children.

Bronson Meehan – Assistant Principal – Room 10 Teacher

Steve Bloor – Principal

Dianne Groom – Deputy Principal – Room 5

Mariea Henderson – Room 9

Jane Keogh – Room 2

Maree Matthews – Room 3

Kushla McBeth – Room 4

Brendon Stone – Room 6

Louise Bound – Room 8

Angela Robin – Room 14

Michelle Everard – Room 15

Helen Edmonds – Room 16

Janine Taylor – Room 17

Rachel Carrington – Release Teacher

Sue Byrne – Release Teacher

Angela Young – Release Teacher

Richelle Smith – SENCO

Kate Rowntree – Resource Teacher – Literacy

Kerena Davidson – Teacher Aide

Frances McKinley – Teacher Aide

Debbie Nordell – Teacher Aide

Fiona Shennan – Teacher Aide

Justine Pigott – Teacher Aide

Beth Poutu – Teacher Aide

Taniora Kingi – Groundsman