Welcome back to school for 2025!

RT:Literacy contact email: rtlitnapier@onekawa.school.nz

RT:Lit Referrals


Eligibility for Student Referrals

  • The student is more than 6 months below their expected year level in Reading, Writing and/or Oral Language
  • ESOL students may be considered on a case by case basis - a reasonable level of conversational English is required 
  • *The student's teacher is committed to participating in the literacy intervention in collaboration with the Resource Teacher of Literacy

Students with global learning delays should be referred to the RTLB service.

*Please note, student support is predominantly provided through an indirect model. RTLit work with the teacher to improve literacy outcomes for students, rather than withdrawing students 1-1 or in a small group.

Eligibility for Classroom, Team & School-Wide Support Referrals

  • The staff involved have completed or are enrolled in the Ministry Funded Structured Literacy Approaches PLD

Please note, in 2025, priority will be given to students, and their teachers, requiring a Tier 2 (small group) or Tier 3 (individual) level of literacy intervention.


  • Individual target student information is not required to be completed on the form for team and school-wide support referrals. However, target students will need to be identified if the referral is accepted.
  • Classroom teacher and intervention teacher support referrals require target students to be identified and a form submitted for each student.
  • A fresh referral form for each student being referred
  • Digital copies of relevant student literacy data is required to be uploaded for each student referral, preferably as a single file. Examples include but are not limited to: phonics check, non-word reading, unseen text assessment, spelling assessment, writing sample. It is recommended to have this ready to go before completing the referral form.

Please name files for upload in the following format: 'school name.student's name.current teacher's name'

e.g. Onekawa.Joe Blogs.Jane Doe

If you have any questions about the referral form or would like any questions in the form clarified, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Please click the following link to access the referral form. 

2025 RTLit Referral Form *CLICK HERE*


Applications for Term 1 close on Friday 28th February 2025.